The Storm

Even though it sounds like a big question, the kind of question that fuels hours of late-night coffee house conversations—DOES FREE WILL EXIST?—the truth is, that from an empirical point of view, the consensus is pretty uncontroversial and the answer is surprisingly simple.

Free will does not exist.

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The Elevator Pitch

I crave attention. Not all of the time and not all kinds of attention, but as a general rule I prefer being noticed to not. I’ve shaved devil horns into my hair and bleached a halo into it. I went through a prolonged phase where I dressed, basically, like a teenaged girl and now I blog about my tattoos and post topless pics on the internet. Getting attention may not have ever been my sole motivation, but it has always been a welcomed perk.

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What is Skepticism?

Would you prefer to live in a world full of mystery and wonder or a world guided by strict laws and rules? For many people this is the question at the heart of the tension between skepticism and belief. If the price of accepting science, or a naturalistic worldview, is the loss of wonder, then perhaps the price is too high.

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