The Elevator Pitch

I crave attention. Not all of the time and not all kinds of attention, but as a general rule I prefer being noticed to not. I’ve shaved devil horns into my hair and bleached a halo into it. I went through a prolonged phase where I dressed, basically, like a teenaged girl and now I blog about my tattoos and post topless pics on the internet. Getting attention may not have ever been my sole motivation, but it has always been a welcomed perk.

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A Sea of Nerds


I’d just arrived at the Del Mar Lounge in the South Point Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Some jackass with a buzzed haircut and “bro” sunglasses affixed to the back of his head was standing in the bar screaming into his cell phone.

“I’m surrounded by NERDS!!” he shouted as he went into a Chris Farley-esque, high-school-gym-coach-style quarter squat with one hand resting on his knee to exaggerate his bemused disbelief before shouting back into his phone, “NERRRRRDDDDDDDSS!!”

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No More Tears

The first Skeptical podcast that I ever listened to was Skeptoid. Along with The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe, Skeptoid is among the most recognized and listened to podcasts within the fledgling Skeptical community.

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